So, ever since Fallout 4 introduced weapon modification to kinda replace weapon variety; I thought it would be ok and, for the most part it is, but the lack of unarmed mods is pathetic!
So, hopefully with more DLC they add more mods to the pool, because I honestly can't believe how few Power Fist mods there are. In New Vegas there where a ton of different fists you could use; from ones with mounted shotguns to ones with buzz saws.
For Fallout 4 on the Xbox One, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Is Power Armour effective for an unarmed build?' You can mod power armor to do extra. If you really want to change your game, check out our guide to the best Fallout 4 mods. You summon any item or NPC from thin air, or make yourself immortal with a few Fallout 4 console commands.
So, hopefully they will add mods later to recreate things like the Industrial hand, Ballistic Fist, Displacer Glove and Zap Glove.
One other thing I thought would be pretty cool is if you could mod unarmed type weapons to power armor to boost its unarmed power, most of the power armor arm mods affect unarmed anyways, I just think having at least the unarmed weapon models attached to the arms would be cool. Anyone else have similar ideas about the weapon modding?